Joy and laughther flooded Lethbridge towards an unlimited horizon. Welcome to Lethbridge_Fusion!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Why today?

Of all the days
Why Today?

Final is on tomorrow... and I am now lost in the nerver ending land where nothing came to sweep away all my resources.
My Nerves are soaking in the state of stress.
701 is in complete darkness!
In fact, the entire block of skyline terrace has a blackout.
Never experienced blackout in this building.
But why today?
I need light source!
Anger brought me nowhere...
eventually I decided to tuck myself in my warm blanket and take a good rest.
I woke up early in the morning at 3:30am hoping the current is back... so I can continue my studies. WORST! no current yet! I can't even take a shower... the water is freezing cold.
Finally decided to study in front of the escalator.
Both Bernice and I sat in front of the escalator in wee hours in the morning making notes,
THanks to Bernice! She supported me all way long!
Persuading me not to give up! Telling I had consumed enough information for the test.
All I need is... RELAX!
I am too tense. My muscles are so stiff!
Time flies... it is already 7am.
I have more light source coming in but my soul can no longer stay put in my body.
Having an unclear mind just ruin my thoughts.
I took a short nap before I step into the war of Brain and Behavior.
It took me less than an hour to complete both the midterm and final.
Finally... everything is done! DONE for the semester! 3 more to go and I am graduating!
I hope for nothing.
Juz pray hard to have a credit in this course.
Nothing left to be worry at the mean time!
Hurray! Holiday is ON!
I went for CAT SCAN right after the test.
The brain scan took me less than half an hour.
Bernice and I took a bus to Value Village and Wholesale to get some grocery.
We met up with Terry, Yan , Kim, Gareth, Mary and Auntie Lily later part in the evening.
All of us went watching a movie named V FOR VENDETTA in movie mill.
A great movie! Recommended!
I fully agree that the people should have the say and not the authority!
The world should be run in peace!
Sometimes, blood is needed and sacrifices are required to gain peace.
Well, lots of thoughts and pops up in my mind.
The world is as complicated as th e neuro transmitters in my brain.
Yeah I admit ! I am going insane with Brain and Behavior!
After movie, John Lu picked me up from UOL.
There I went in a rush to have a glance at my new room. Pretty cozy! Like it!
Good and reasonable rental.
Instantly, I told the landlord that I will move in on the coming June.
Things flow smoothly after the chaotic night before my final.
At last, one thing can be left out to worry about.
I spent a night with Mary at her place as she is leaving the next day.
Planning to chit chat with her till the next morning.
Pity! I fell asleep as my energy had left nothing to be drained.
We did not chat ... Mary is too kind to wake me when she saw me dropped into my dreams so rapidly after such a long tedious night.

Friday, April 21, 2006



Speed: Alive

Speed: April

Speed: Carry On My Way

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Beautiful Lyrics with Aesthetically Pleasing Evening

今天起 作詞:Ivy Neo 作曲:Ivy Neo 編曲:鍾興民

透明的玻璃 孤單身影 

不再為你哭泣 不再為你折磨自己

有一種愛情不需要言語 可是 你給的愛卻像狂風暴雨
受盡的委屈都留給你 謝謝你陪我到這裡

今天起把你忘記 拒絕你給的甜蜜 

今天起把你忘記 讓過去化成呼吸 

我們應該要懂得放手 至少我曾經擁有

The song above had guide me along the healing process.

I went taking photos around the University compound this evening.

Mary first suggested and we headed around the school for more than an hour.
Initially, we plan to only take pictures of the practice room but we ended up hitting the keys on the piano then start to play unconciously.

Later, we were where we were at the very beginning... LIBRARY.

JH called... I almost can't recognise his voice.
He might probably caught a cold... that's my guess but I never asked.
Feel extremely energitic talking to him. A great pal! Funny at times!
Heard he is planning to buy a car... might be PERDANA... WheW!
Good news for him.

Next, my brother went online... we had a short conversation...

Finally, I am back to blogging.... Juz can't wait to complete my final exam on 25th! Almost there!

My Brother is famous!

Check this site out !!
You better thank me dear... I took those pic!:P

Goodbye APRIL 19th

Sweet memories

Today, April 19th had just ended in M'sia. Still, it is the beginning of April 19th here in Canada. Not too bad for a morning. Suppose we are still together it will be our fifth anniversary. LOL... there ain't any suppose I suppose:) Though we aren't meant for each other but I am glad that you had once left tons of foot prints in my life. The memories we built together will never be earased. Very often I used to have such thought in my mind: Why don't we hit restart,&& Pause it at our favorite parts.We’ll skip the goodbyes? Duh !!! there is no such thing in real ife, if there is, Romeo wouldn't had drank the poison and Juliet wouldn't had died. I live within truth not lies. Fantasize is not my style of dealing with love. I no longer need you to hold me above the world, I can live with only the thought of your smile. The song below is dedicated to you. Never heard it but the lyric speaks!

作詞:林夕 作曲:蔡一智/蔡一傑 編曲:楊振龍
*你如果感到太苦悶 就讓大家分一半 
來吧說吧笑吧發洩不滿 我曾經都有這經驗 
現實若不可改變 寧願瀟瀟灑灑過每天
一起一起手挽手 平伏路上面上舊傷口
天生的一對 誰會孤孤單單到永久
一起一起手挽手 無論日日夜夜在背後
溫馨的感覺 隨時讓你擁有
你有我這個朋友 願意永遠也替你分憂 
憂鬱的氣候 和你一手將風雨抹走 
我有你這個朋友 就似有了最暖那雙手 
開心的氣候 陪你高高低低到處走

Friday, April 14, 2006

Shocking News...

This evening, Bernice and I went to aunty lily's house for soup. Delicious!... no other words best describe. It has been ages I had not taste such appetizing food. I felt like I was in heaven... wooo speechless! My teeth were so blessed to enjoy such mouthwatering food, especially the day after having my tooth extracted. As usual there is lots of chatting going on in the house of one motherly auntie Lily and two brilliant kids. All of a sudden Kim told her mom about a boy got crashed in between library's book shelves. The case was seen as an accident but we doubted. The mystery remains silent. We were suppose to walked to Gail's place to meet up with Zanne after a long hang out in Aunty Lily's place... but we were too tired.., I was still struggling with my fever... effect after the toothache.. but feeling way much better than the past few nights. At least I got to get some sleep. Thank God for keeping me safe through out the entire process from the emergency to the dental. Besides, I wanna thank Ronson, Akaid, Bernice, Janice, Teng, Keong, Jay, Anna, Gareth, Suzanne, Gail, Valerie, Kelly, MAry, .... everybody .... for being so concern! My mom especially .. she must not have been sleeping well these nights. I told u not ot worry ... again you are now diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder.. LOL.. she is gonna kill me for this!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Awesome Clips

David Tao - Melody

David Tao - 愛我還是她? Who Do You Love?

A-Mei -記得 Remember

10x to Gareth for posting the clips I chose:)
These are juz some of my favourite clips... ENJOY:)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Happy Burfday Auntie Lily

Happy burfday aunty lily!

We stroke aunty Lily a surprise right at 12am on 10th of April.
Hah ... she wasn't prepared.... in her pyjamas she celebrated her birthday.
Bernice made her carrot cake.
I made her a card along with wishes from suzanne, bernice and me.
Gareth and Kim made the plans work perfectly well.
10x dude!
Auntie Lily doesn't notice us standing right behind her as she was too engross doing some else.
We then start singing happy birthday and she was really hit by the surprise!
BRAVO everybody! We did it :)
Everything is last minute done. Not so perfect.. lots of defect... but we are all happy!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

What Makes You a Real Beauty

Had been eyeing for this watch since early this year...

Another test:

Phoebe, your Sense of Style makes you a real beauty

You don't need a catwalk to strut your stuff. A cool and confident fashionista like you knows how to look fabulous wherever you go. You've got a good eye for what's hot and what looks good on you. And you're comfortable with who you are and what you want out of life.Sure, you like to look great, but that doesn't mean you follow fads or listen to what other people say is right for you. You're an individual, and you make sure that comes through in everything you do, whether you're at the office, on a date, or out on the town. You can't go wrong when you're being true to yourself. That never goes out of style!

Sympathetic Sidekick

Hey Kim I am the same as u in this test!

Well, it is not so true about me though :P
Fun Stuff!

Phoebe, you're a Sympathetic Sidekick

No one ever accused you of not having a soft side. And that's why friends flock to your sympathetic ear and well-thought-out advice. You are tuned in to the world around you, and you are always looking for ways to bring people together and enjoy each other's company. While some people might have one or two close friends, you like to spread your wings and socialize with any number of people. You are open-hearted and free-spirited, making it easy for you to find common ground with anyone you meet. Keep up the good work — everyone could use a friend like you.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Take this test at Tickle
This is what the test has to talk about me!
Phoebe, the emoticon that represents you best is the Devil Face

You little rascal. OK, so maybe trouble isn't your middle name, but we suspect you can be a bit mischievous at times. You're a playful person who enjoys stirring up a little trouble where you can. Don't worry, we won't tell.But we will tell you this: Playing pranks, testing people's naïveté, and fudging the truth a little can be fun. So can finding out the latest gossip — as long as it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings. But you knew that. So log on and keep making life more interesting. Your friends appreciate the entertainment, just be sure not to take it too far, troublemaker!
Oooo is that me huh? TROUBLEMAKER kekeke!


we are so international
Erik...the little prince charming

Veggie Squares
Potato, Egg and Tuna Salad
Zanne's Fried Rice
Corn Soup
My favourite Korean Pancake
Spring Roll
Veggie Salad
Mary's mix veggie curry
Pasta with raisin
Chinese Beef Dish

I am suppose to post this handsome boy much earlier!
Oh well, I am not gonna be able to do it if I choose not to do it now!
I know this sound crazy... posting blog in the middle of the night.
AHA! I am born in the year of rat; so bear with me:)

Op's! while waiting for pictures to upload, I melted into the dreamland of Narnia. Is this sort of an indication? Telling me to start reading the Chronicles of NARNIA? Hmmm.... I plan to start right after my finals. There are 7 books in total... can't wait to flipped through the pages.

Back to the charming little guy.
Wanna know how we met?
Faith brings us together LOL!

The story starts here....
Once upon a time, there was a princess named Princess Aurora Au Huei Ling and a prince named Erik the Prince Charming....
Okay .. Stop fantasizing Phoebe!!! Get Alive... Go on with your post!
It is fun to hallucinate sometimes, that will boost up my level of Creativity!
Mentioning Creativity; Anna, Bernice, and I have a great discussion about IQ vs AQ vs EQ on our way back from church.
The conclusion is AQ & EQ are more practical when it comes to surviving skills.
When the episod of Cast Away happens to us; IQ bring us somewhere but still
AQ & EQ are the ones that we need to fight for in order to live through.
I did studied about the notion of intellegence in my Brain and Behavior,
It is a Spearman vs Gardner theory! I am a Gardner fan... saying that there is a whole bunch of different intelligence in our brain.
There are 7 that he had mentioned.
*language *music *math *space *kinesthetic (motor skills)
*interpersonal (how you read yourself)
*intrapersonal (how you response to others)
Gardner's theory is about intelligence in various forms.
You might be good at Maths and Languages but this does not mean you will be good at handling people & situations in terms of interpersonal and intrapersonal.
God is fair with each and every individual.
All of us are good for something. None of us are good for nothing.
So stop blaming our own intelligence for the failure in life!
Spearman is an IQ fan. He judged human's intelligence based on IQ tests.
To him, it is all about the brain. Neurons work differently in people, which leads to difference intelligence among us.

Off topic again... I will never get to Erik, my main focus of this post; if I still do not have my thoughts put together.
It had been driven apart ever since I turned 22 :(
Thursday night is the night for the exchange student to get together. I am juz an international student but Mary and Suzanne invited Bernice and me. Thanks!
Gareth came along too! Poor Kim need to stay for Yan... doing filming :(
It was a food paradise party. We are all required to bring something from our home country.
Suzanne had both her teriyaki fried rice and M'sian style fried rice nicely done.
Bernice cooked CUCUK! Yummy! yummy!
Mary brought her homemade veggie curry.
I prepared dessert.
All of us enjoy eating.
We had food from Canada, Poland, France, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, China, etc..

Here I met Erik. He was sitting opposite of Bernice and me.
OoOoOoO my heart beat is pumping hard now... I juz luv kids....
I had fun taking pictures with this little guy.
Erik's mom told me they both are gonna visit M'sia this coming summer.
I wish I will be in time for their visit.
Too bad I have 3 classes at that time of the year:(

Friday, April 07, 2006


Take this test at Tickle
Phoebe, your true color is Orange!
Is this True???
Is ORANGE really who I am?
Here's what the test says:

You're a bold, confident orange. A warm, powerful color that indicates a strong, welcoming personality, orange is the mark of people who are social and extroverted by nature. Vibrant, with an upbeat attitude, you have a bright, inviting demeanor. Energetic and fun-loving, you're a real friend-magnet. Your easy charm and unassuming manner make you the sort of person people want to meet and get to know better. Well-rounded and fun to be around, you enjoy helping others, so it's no surprise that orange also symbolizes attraction. Orange is an extraordinary color — for an extraordinary person.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


有人說,在歷史中找不到女人,女人是一部失落的歷史。其實,女人不是靠筆記錄的歷史,而是以生命來記錄歷史。人類的誕生、文明的起源,以及現代文明的發展,無線的人生經驗... 就讓女人把一切切 的經過記錄在生命裡的每一個小角落。
"女人是一部失落的歷史"是ㄧ本現代文學。作者在書裡和大家分享了 一個很有意義的則學. 愛就如距離。我本人非常同意。這一本書是否說出了我的心聲。多謝馬逸騰大哥 的推薦。



作者: 呵小宏
出版日期:2005 年 12 月 23 日



I came across the link of this book from teng's site.
I juz luv it and this is life! Muakzzzzzzz!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I 'm Touched

"Phoebe Dear its that day of the year we all remember as the day God gave us a Great Gift in having U as our girl Happy B'DAY n GOD BLESS U!"
AHA! this sound familiar... YEah its YOU DAD! Your SMS Brightens my day.

I was nagging Bernice complaining my dad not sending me birthday regards. The funny thing is my mom did this to the extreme. She actually wished me a couple times in March and started wishing me each time she called since end of March towards the beginning of April. On the other hand, Jason, my younger brother seems too bz to remember his sis not to mention birthday but my existance. On 8th of April, Jason answered my called. He was quick.... before I managed to pull out any words from my tongue, he started babbling... wishing me happy belated birthday. Smart but Unforgiven !

Early in the morning, when I was about to go to bed, Keong gave me a rang. I was glad to hear from him. Thanks dude ... your birthday song works! This is the day my cell phone actually did its' ultimate tasks. Julian, Kelly, Kenix, and my beloved dad had sent me text messages wishing me Happy birthday while I was napping that night. Yeah, you read this right... I was NAPPING not sleeping... too indulge in working on my blog.

This time of the year, is the bziest time when everyone is BZ with assignments...Workloads... tests, presentations BLAh Blah blah. I am not excluded in this 24/7 operation. Tense! Due Dates and Finals are all around the corner.
Thus, instead of binging, I choose blogging to release my stress.

Bernice was awake the entire night on 4th of April rushing her 10 pages paper. She had only slept for 3 hours and next she was on her secret mission. She walked to the university early in the morning telling me she has to show up for her group meeting. I met her in the library after classes ended. She told me to stay in library until 7:30pm, that's her final class of the day. I promised. I was surfing the net aimlessly untill I met Woan Rou on msn messager. From the computer seat, I switched my scene to the ladies' washroom. Woan Rou and I chat for a donkey's hours. Womens' talk ... she ended the conversation by singing me an extraordinary birthday song.
Real Creative but somehow Out Of tUne.... :P

Time is out of my mind, the minute I stepped out from the washroom, it was already 6:30pm. Still an hour to go. Hmmm I browsed through my friendster, mails and blogs; joys flooded my amygdala, a part of brain that has control over our emotions. Suzanne, Anna and Gareth wrote me beautiful birthday wishes in their blog. I received MayC's online greeting; adding a charismatic rhythm to my day. Kaori and Helen sent me their greetings too! Thereafter, I proceed to my friendster. Lots more brithday messages and testimonials were left to be approved.
Thankx to Mum & Dad, Jason, Bernice, Janice, Mary, Suzanne, Teng, Keong, Julian, Woan Rou, Aunty Lily, Gareth, Kim, Anna, MayC, Kenix, Atikah, Andrew, Chi Kian, Kelly, Wei Ming, Carmen, Ronson, Peter, Akaid, Gail, Kaori, Eric, Jay, Cindy, and Helen!
Anyone missing??? Apologise if there is:)

What is up with Bernice's mission? My Surprise Party! Aw how sweet of her to throw me a surprise party while she has not even taken enough time for her own break. All I can say, she is a Superwomen! Multi-task person LOL can be diagnosed as Dissociative Identity Disorder. Make your choice here Bernice :) I nearly jeopardized the party. I planned to walk home wanting to soak in my bed as I was having a slight migrane. Luckily, I felt better after a short nap in the library.

I guess that afternoon SONIC the HEDGEHOG must had possessed Bernice. Cinderella in apt#701, she did the cooking, the baking, the cleaning, the planning, the invitations, and finally BINGO ooOp's SHE DID IT AGAIN!

I luv what you had done^^ it really touches my heart. Thankx for your support, your patience, your understanding... everything! I am blessed to have you by my side.
Other than you, Bernice, I am so fortunate that you had brought me into your family. I luv them as much as you do!
Thank HIM for our friendship and it will be eternal.
YOu are the BEST!

To all my family and friends... CHEERS!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bad Hair Day

Woke up in the morning feeling dizzy. I had have enough sleep and even way too long of hibernation since the weekend. Can't return to the normal self. Whatz normal anyway? We had a discussion about NORMAL vs ABNORMAL in my abnormal psychology class. How do you define normal? You can never find both normal and abnormal in my dictionary coz what I think is normal you might not and vice versa. I need your opinion about abnormality and normal so feel free to leave a line or two to share your views. The network really get on my nerves. SLOW slow slOw...... Stop testing my patience! COOL dOwN dOwn down Phoebe! Why is there such a rush? Frustrations follow with anger. Kept telling myself stop being so moody that will cause rapid aging. Fine! Smile :) HAH you must be thinking I am crazy. Don't worry I am nothing of a schizophrenic probably a little of Bipolar. I came across this quote online "Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is the matter with the rich is Uselessness." You don't have to be famous to inspire other people. You just need a thinking mind and a sympathetic heart. HOld on a second.... my cell phone is vibrating... hmm Jh juz sent send me a birthday greeting. Right at 12:00 am in Malaysia. 10x buddy!Funny... I am suppose to edit my previous post but ended up starting a new one. That's becoz I had a great time during the weekend and a bad one today so better not stir the sour cream along with the hot sauce. It juz taste awful! Pray to enjoy the rest of my day though things aren't flowing well. Don't expect too much appreciate the gist of satisfaction that will make me merrier:)

Monday, April 03, 2006

City of Angles

They are just so adorable..MUAKsss Miss them so Much!!!
Awww, isn't she cute? Tanesha ... what a beautiful name unifies well with her tender smile.

My heart melts along with these children.

McCain the Global French Fry Company

Done! Classes DONE for the day... Now is the most exicitng part of my day... writing blog. My energy was completely drained. Nothing unusual... I went to the Practice Room and spent about 2 hours playing 當你孤單你會想起誰 , and Marriage D'amour music by Paul de Senneville and Oliver Toussaint. Kinda upset not being able to play them well. Chaos of sounds surrounded the room and I just wonder how Bernice managed to concentrate on her journals. Anyway, we both headed back to the library around 4pm. Sitting in front of the computer staring at the pictures taken during the weekend fills my hearts with tones of misses. My visit on Saturday 1st of April 06 had crafted a blend of sensation in me. Both visits to McCain & CAMERON FARMs Colony are remarkable. It was educational, inspirational, cutural, historical and EmOtiOnal!!! I just miss the kids:( Bernice and I went to bed late on Friday worrying we might be late for the next morning. Mary reminded us to be punctual or else the bus will juz leave without waiting. Thank you so much Mary! This is the best trip in Lethbridge I can ever experienced. Without your assistance... chances for me to step into the Colony is barely possible. Mary requested her co-ordinator if we can join them in the trip. Initially, this trip is organized especially for the exchange students. We are so lucky to fill in the vacant spots. NO COST needed for the trip! What a deal! Despite, we are served with the fresh homemade food during lunch time. AWESOME! The taste of the fresh strawberries jam still lingers in my mouth. My stomach is grouching now. We departed at 8:15 am on Saturday. We first visited McCain, the Global French Fry Company. McCain Foods is the world leader in the production of frozen French fries - McCain facilities have the capacity to produce about 1,000,000 lbs. of potato products per hour. Amazing !Galloping towards a fertile future, in April, 1999, Lamb-Weston opened a new French fry plant 13 kilometers east of Taber on Highway 3 (65 kilometers east of Lethbridge). McCain’s Foods of Florenceville, New Brunswick opened the region’s third potato processing plant in the summer of 2000 at the hamlet of Chin on Highway 3, 25 kilometers east of Lethbridge. After potatoes, the most important material input in these agri-food processing operation is high quality potable water. The McCain’s plant depends on a continuous supply of water that is pumped from Lethbridge via a 20 inch line to Coaldale and a 12 inch line from Coaldale to Chin. Hence, a huge amount of water is required in processing all the fries you are enjoying all this while. Before gobble up the fries you bought from places like KFC, Mc Donald, and Burger King...have you ever thought of the giant consumption of water wasted on these unhealthy food that we had always crave for? In Southern Alberta potatoes are grown under contract on irrigated land within a 50-100 kilometre radius of the plants. Potatoes require a four year rotation to restore soil fertility and avoid species-specific pests. Thus potato crops are rotated with sugar beets, corn and cereal crops. Potatoes are harvested in fall, stockpiled in climate controlled warehouses on farms, and delivered throughout the year as required by the processing plants. Whew! Good for you.... reading all these facts and seems like I am a profession in the field of agriculture here in Canada. Other than brainstorming the facts, We had an hour tour around the factory. Trust me... the smell of raw potatoes is really GROSS. This.. I gotta give credits to the workers in Mc Cain. BRAVO!