Joy and laughther flooded Lethbridge towards an unlimited horizon. Welcome to Lethbridge_Fusion!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Daylight Saving

What is Daylight Saving Time?

According to Wikipedia,
Daylight saving time (DST), also known as summer time, is a widely used system of adjusting the official local time forward, usually by one hour from its official standard time, for the spring, summer, and early autumn periods.

Daylight Saving Time in Canada begins at 2:00 a.m. local time on the first Sunday in April. On the last Sunday in October areas on Daylight Saving Time return to Standard Time at 2:00 a.m. The names in each time zone change along with Daylight Saving Time.

For more future information about DST in Canada, there is more information at this site

I had very much been blessed all these while... I think it is time he is ready to have me in the real world standing by my own feet. Trust had been put on me and I thank him for that. During my college months spent in Ontario, I met Kenix... a real good buddy; also my roommate at that time. She is the one who played my private secretary, reminding me all the details that need to be attended. There is no need to worry about the DST stuff... Haha... When it comes to my 1st year of university, I am so fortunate to meet another gurl who took over Kenix's role; Kelly. She reminded me DST... Faith drove me and Bernice together later in my 2nd year of University life and we became soulmate eversince. Automatically, Bernice became my right hand woman for the following 2 years. Fall 2006 till spring 2007 will be my last 2 semesters in Canada. I search no more for an assistant. Not blaming on the poor memory but my unorganized lifestyle... I neglected the DST and resulted is embarassment.

As some of you had knew, I was kinna commited to the kid's church almost every Sunday in CDC church. Thus, I had not been to Alliance Church for quite some time. A month probably... The funny incident is... I appeared to be the early bird today. An hour earlier! Obviously... I had failed to remember DST! Initially, I was rushing from my house to the church, thinking I will definately be late for the service. Under such heavy snow, I went straight to the washroom to had myself cleaned. My face was as red as a sweet potato. Frozen! In such a hurry, I left my gloves, scarf, glasses and hat at home. When I entered the gathering floor, nobody was there except the band and a middle age man sitting at the front row. I was still in a blur state... stood up and went forward to ask pastor Brad if there is a service today. Without any hesitation, he told me there is one at 10:30am after taking a quick glace at his watch. Watch? Time? It really hit hard on me! Then and there I noticed the DST. Since I was an hour earlier, it was still fun to enjoy the band. No outsiders... the room is filled with only music and me... what a wonderful morning!

Today's Sermon:

Ephesians 5:15, 5:16, 5:17

So be careful how you live. Don't live like ignorant people, but like wise people. Make good use of every opportunity you have, beacuse these are evil days. Don't be fools, then, but try to find out what the Lord wants you to do.

1 Corinthians 6:18, 6:19, 6:20

Avoid immorality. Any other sin a man commits does not affect his body; but the man who is guilty of sexual immorality sins against his own body. Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory.

Today's main points really did hit hard on me.
Our greatest moral regrets are prefaced by a series of unwise choices that we made.
We often seek excuses for our own fault.
ie: it is not that i wish, things happen to be, I have no choice, that's the way it is,
I had already tried my best not to... ...
Our problem is not being true to ourselves.
We never planned not to.... we urge for risk taking
Very often we knew that's the incorrect path to step on but still we take another step forward further till regrets lead to lies and eventually results in pain and distress.

Whenever extreme precautions are needed; don't hesistate! Take it upfront!
It is always wise to end your sufferings early .
At times, we have to go through the ugliest reality. It is cruel!
End it now or you will never.
Forever trapped!

To the married / in relationship couples: Whenever you are in dilemma of confessing certain issues to your spouse or partner, you are most likely on the wrong track. Back up! Proceed no more. People always tell white lies as an excuse to protect their partners but they are actually creating excuses for themselves to indulge in unhealthy decisions.

Overall, a great service accompanied with wonderful hymns that had touched my heart right from the very beginning.

Here is a song that compiles my feelings of the day

游鸿明 我可以

痛的感觉那麼清晰 不论我再怎麼休息
总无法痊愈 心里被你踏上了脚印
要等待多少次潮汐 才能洗去
我的期待值得你等待 就让它慢慢的来

没有伤害 日月星辰交给我安排
熬过了风雪的阻碍 远方还有一片海
一首歌就算打乱了节奏 曲终人散之後
真心依旧能让你感动 一颗眼泪如果不是那麼沈重

那麼不如就让它流 再随著它蒸发在空中
Your Love Forever
每一次闭上眼睛 你的容颜更清晰
记得比忘记容易 难以更动的结局

我想我撑得过去 面对不容易 我可以

就算错误不可能弥补 拿全部当做赌注
请为我祝福 多少夜里有人为我哭
经过了追逐的辛苦 回忆都是 满足

一段路就算看不到远处 只要往前一步
就算路途就有些耽误 这一切终将值得记录

Your Love Forever
每一次闭上眼睛 你的容颜更加清晰
难以更动的结局 我想我撑得过去
面对不容易 我可以

把悲伤写成日记 快乐是你给的信
爬上屋顶深呼吸 为爱重新定义

真得相信 一定可以
每一次闭上眼睛 你的容颜更加清晰 记得比忘记容易
难以更动的结局 我想我撑得过去
面对不容易 我可以
忘记不容易 我可以

It was still snowing hard after the service.
Anna and I went downtown.
She needs to get out of west Lethbridge after a long week of workload &
I need a pair of new boots.
Today it is time to have a little push in me... definately hv to buy a pair of shoes!
Phoebe! Stop being so picky... U are gonna slip off the road if you still keep your old pair on.
I really love that pair of boots... Still keep it eventhough I am gonna wear it no more.
It was so hilarious... when I was trying on new boots; I saw my old pair struggling to search for balance on the ground. I wonder ... how on earth I can manage to put them on for such a long time. The soul of the boots were totally worn off and it slants amazingly.
Before the mall closes, I finally walked out with my new pair of boots from ALDO.
They are so comfy! I don't really like them at 1st but they look considerately good after walking on them. Phew! no more worries about getting a pair of winter boots... It really is a pain!

Had a great evening with Anna ...
Back in the basement working on my debate stuff... routine repeates everyday but with different task. Another day gone :( But I earned an hour today :)


蔡琴: 這世界乍看之下有點灰
王力宏: 你微笑的臉有些疲憊
許茹芸: 抬起頭天空就要亮起來
孫燕姿: 不要放棄你的希望和期待

周華健/林慧萍: 沙漠中的一滴淚 化成綠洲的湖水
伍思凱: 真心若能被看見夢會實現

庾澄慶: 手牽手我的朋友
庾澄慶/李心潔: 愛永遠在你左右
張信哲/順子: 不要再恐懼絕不要放棄 這一切將會渡過
陶晶瑩: 因為你和我
吳宗憲: 才有明天的彩虹
ENERGY: 手牽手我的朋友   
BAD: 愛永遠在你左右

張宇: 這一刻不要躲在害怕後面
蕭亞軒: 這個世界需要多一點信念
蔡依林: 那塵埃不會真的將你打敗
江蕙: 你將會意外生命的光采

蘇芮/游鴻明: 風雨過去那一天 悲傷就要停下來
動力火車: 感覺你身邊的愛它存在

張清芳/范逸臣: 手牽手我的朋友 愛永遠在你左右
周杰倫/張惠妹: 不要再恐懼絕不要放棄 這一切將會渡過
張惠妹: 因為你和我才有明天的彩虹
王力宏: 我的手握著溫暖的火種
陶吉吉: 散發一點光和熱就看到笑容

徐若瑄: 手牽手我的朋友
信樂團: 愛永遠在你左右
TENSION: 不要再恐懼絕不要放棄
老爹: 這一切將會渡過
庾澄慶: 因為你和我
彭佳慧: 你和我
庾澄慶/彭佳慧: 才有明天的彩虹
合唱: 手牽手我的朋友 (我的朋友...)
愛永遠在你左右 (你左右...)
不要再恐懼絕不要放棄 這一切將會渡過 (將會渡過...)
因為你和我才有明天的彩虹 (oh...明天的彩虹...)
MACHI/李玟: 手牽手我的朋友 (oh...)   
S.H.E/李玟: 愛永遠在你左右 (oh...)  
可米小子: 手牽手一起渡過
朱孝天/周渝民: 愛永遠在你左右 (yeah...在你左右)

合唱: 手牽手我的朋友 (朋友...)
愛永遠在你左右 (在你左右...)
不要再恐懼絕不要放棄 (不要恐懼...)
這一切將會渡過 (這一切將會渡過...)
牽著我的手看見明天的彩虹 (我的手 ha...)
手牽手 我的朋友 (baby not time...) (愛會牽著我的手...)
合唱: 愛永遠在你左右 (阿妹會牽著我的手...oh...yeah)
手牽手 一起度過 (手牽手...我們一起度過)
陶吉吉: 手牽手 
王力宏: 我的朋友

To all my beloved friends out there> this song is for each and every awesome people I met. Thankx for leaving signatures in my life!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy hapPy day :)

Cartoon of the Day : SMILE!

:)start with a smile...
I am so happy today!
Deep down in my heart .... I kept giggling since yesterday evening. Done for the Drama group midterm. Looking at my bloated stomach I feel bad but everything is finally over and I am happy about it. I had been consuming a lot of sweet stuff unconsciously. I stressed out a lot from the beginning of the week till yesterday.
Not having our group portfolio put together really worries me... this is not the worst, our skit was kinna rejected by our Drama prof right from the beginning. We were brainstorming hard to crash out creative ideas to present out metaphor of the theme. "Life as an Emergency Room…”
As a group we went through different stages. Our first meeting was largely characterised by silence and uncertainty. Everyone was quite polite and generally reserved. I am thinking that all group members were initially silent because there was some confusion about what we were supposed to be doing, so no one wanted to look or sound stupid by speaking up irrelevantly. Needless to say we had a hard time getting the ball rolling.
Between our first and second meeting, we were thrown into a state of confusion as one member of our group withdrew from our group. At this point our group was characterised by pessimism, resistance and ambiguity. It was a tough period for our group as some tasks had been assigned to every member of our group. Besides, this member was our emerging “leader”. We had no idea where to go from here .
Our next challenge was to maximise our individual potentials by exploring our creativity skills and channelling them into coordinated work. Some of our initial ideas did not seem to fulfil the objective of our project. In some cases, we couldn’t think of the right symbols to represent our metaphor, in other situations we did not have enough people to execute our ideas. We were frustrated.
We were quite desperate to achieve our goals and it seemed like as we put in more effort, it got even more difficult to get things to work. Eventually we decided to develop a thought web again. After we came up with our new thought web, interesting ideas began to flow faster. As we came up with new ideas, we definitely had new problems too. One interesting thing though is that we consistently embraced each idea that was put on the table and looked at it carefully. We freely critiqued all proposed ideas and constructively agued the relevance of the different ideas that we shared.
During this phase, every group member was comfortable sharing his or her ideas and feelings. We freely gave feedback to each other and solicited feedback. We consistently explored actions and changed settings to fulfil our goals.

Finally, we feel like a team, especially because we really did not have a clear “leader” while we went through turbulence, failures and frustrations. After riding on each other’s wings and rubbing off on each other, we feel like we have explored creativity and have a beautiful piece of art to show for our toil.
* What happened is .... our piece is still on a rough side according to Barbra (our prof) 40 minutes before our actual presentation starts. CHUA SAI! We were all stun! Thank God! Taka cooled us off by saying: "Give her what she wants... changed the skit and run through it." Easier said than to be done... we took more than 2 weeks to work the skit and that is far more than impossible to change it at this point of time. Struggling to either stick with the initial idea or came up with a totally brand new skit... we finally did make a wise choice. Once again I learnt the KANASAI spirit "EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE" :)
Of cz we were under stress, butterflies' knots in stomach....
Fear had overshadowed our nervousness.
Guess what?
We did an excellent job! 10x team!
Fallon, Ayo, Taka and me, we are all happy!
Other skits are good as well...
but I really needa give tones of credits to my group members!
We had the least group members compare to others...
no surprise, more workloads!
In addition, we are an international group consisting one canadian, Kenyan, Japanese and malaysian.
Good and bad in the sense we have our own ideas and it sometimes seem too diverse to pull our heads together. Still, the team spirit shines!
The actual performance is the best of what we had been practicing for the past 2 weeks.
I was happy with the audience's responses especially when Barbra commented on us after the performance.
"GOOD JOB!" she shout out!
Barbra was obviously surprise to see a tremendous change in us. She was happy!
Loosen my muscles after we hit off the entire skit!
I received good compliments from my other mates too :)
My group members said they are happy to see me out of my shell.
Probably I am juz too shy to act after leaving the stage of drama since college.
When we decided to replace the original skit, I was so in pain...
I am playing the main role in the skit and anyone who knows me well realize that I have short memory span... I don't wanna be the blacksheep of the group and really concern about disappointing them during the performance. In a such a short time we had, we came up with a new routine. Thank God! He is so merciful... allowing me to expand my mental capacity in that state of urgency :)
The piece flows extremely well :)
Thanx for your ride Fallon! RIDES I suppose haha... Fallon used to live at Laval Blvd (the place I am currently staying) at the age of nine. She was surprised that I walked home every other nights whenever we had goup meetings. From then she offered to drive me home after every Thursday night's class. :)
Most important > I wanna thank my buddies for such persistent support especially Bernice and Anna... They shared my ups and downs throughout whatz going on with me.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Smoking during Pregnancy

I am gonna kill u David Soo...
Of all the people U fool around with me.
The stupid spam drove me nuts!
Don't ever think of trying on me again
I promised I will definately kill u for that!
Anyway, enough of the silly con stuff.
A great morning of class.
Smoking During Pregnancy is the topic of the day.
I am wondering if it is too late to quit smoking
once you know u are pregnant.
What do u think?
A student in class mentioned about one of our
famous prof in the PSYC Department once telling
them how proud she is to smoke during her pregnancy.
Is she insane?
No! She is not! Jz weird!
As a matter of fact, studies do proof that
a certain usage of nicotine
will not do any harm to the baby.
Some ppl choose to stay on cigarette during pregnancy.
This is because they feel worst without it.
Cigarettes help to release stress.
Whether it affects the fetus or not...
there is no exact answer to the question.
I guess it all depends on individual biological impact on the child itself.
In some cases, ppl may argue that partner whom smokes might also
contributes to the growth of a fetus.
One thing for sure,
smoking during pregnancy cause Low Birth Weight.
Low Birth Weight associates with
1. Delinquency
2. ISCHEMIA (lack of blood supply to the fetus)
3. HYPOXIA (lack of oxygen to the fetus)
4. HYPERTONICITY (very tight muscle tone)

Some studies show that children born with
moms whom smoke during their pregnancy
are most likely to encounter conduct disorder
either in the early onset or late onset.

Any comments on this topic?
Welcome to leave comments and it is open for discussions.

Martin introduced us to buy APA Dictionary of Psychology.
I was searching such book to be published a long time ago.
Without a second thought I spent $67.79can in the bookstore this morning.
My mom is gonna kill me for this.

APA Dictionary of Psychology

A Landmark Reference That Defines the Lexicon of Psychology
With over 25,000 terms and definitions,
the Dictionary encompasses all areas of research and application,
and includes coverage of concepts, processes, and
therapies across all the major subdisciplines of psychology

Any Psyc student who are interested....
Below I attached a review of the book:

Book Review

At several hundred pages longer than other recent dictionaries of psychology, this volume casts a wide net over diverse subject areas within psychology's domain, and related terms from anthropology, computer programming, medicine, molecular and population biology, pharmacology, physics, social services, statistics, and more. Definitions are concise, plain-spoken, and designed to inform without mystifying readers. In fact, it can serve a number of disciplines because of the cross-disciplinary nature of its content…This is a reasonably priced work of great breadth and depth that will be a fine addition to academic and large public libraries.—Booklist

© 2006 American Psychological Association

Cherating & Yumcha #1

Cherating Beach ( front view of our chalet )

John, Pat, Phoebe & Sheng

Another view in front of our chalet

A better capture

Cool breeze creates peace

totally fell in love with this beach

evening beachball scene

an area where baby turtles are kept (in the form of eggs)

A Beautiful Day

Hurray!!! It is time to get wet!

Paya Bakau: Aware! Crocodile's Habitat

Whoo Hoo! Out we go! Splash Splash~~

View taken from out chalet
( the only bangalow on the beach )
belongs to 4 of us ;)

High Tide

other houses surrouded us

they shine upon me

What do u think u are doing Mr Woo!

Sheng & John acting crazy
(poor Pat need to bear wif em)

Again... by the way how do u explain the posts?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Cherating & Yum cha #2

went to for crab: Delicious!

Durians > King of Fruits

Mangosteen > Queen of Fruits


Coconut tree

Bee's Image at the beach

Bee's Image 2 on beach

our bungalow

pic taken without my knowledge


Lovie Dovie: Mr. n Mrs. Wu

There they go again... Tak habis habis

Pat n John

Sheng n Bee

Pat n John ;)

Bee's Image (taken in the car)

John Wu

Pat n Bee

1st night we slept at the chalet


Took us the entire night to track this turtle.
Suppose she is gonna do her stuff ( lay eggs)
but she refused to ... n headed back to the sea :(

we are playing with baby turtles

Place we hang out most for yum cha purposes.

Pat n John

Me n Pat

